1/10/04 - jpd Notes on running UNH-iSCSI on 2.6.1. - Until a distro comes out with a base 2.6.x kernel, most users will install the newest kernel on top of an existing base. The RPM named "unh_iscsi.k2.6.1-1.5.1.rpm " was actually built on a RH 9.0 distro after being booted with a custom "2.6.1" kernel. There is *no* standard Linux kernel configuration anyway. Whenever *any* UNH iSCSI RPM is installed, it will rebuild a version of the drivers based on what " /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build " points to, so expect the RPM install phase to rebuild the drivers. - For RPM 1.5.0, you may have to manually copy either Makefile-24 or Makefile-26 to Makefile depending if your system is running one of those kernels. You can't simply perform "make -f because the underlying Makefile is different formats for each kernel environment. Likewise, the RPM build phase and the cmd/iscsi_rebuild script ( see above ) simply uses make(1) without any arguments so having 2 makefiles simplifies the current environment. But for now, the default setup is 2.4.x environment. For an overview for porting drivers to 2.6.0 from a 2.4.x thread, visit : http://lwn.net/Articles/driver-porting/ - After you decide which Makefile you want, do : cp Makefile-<24|26> Makefile make rpm rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/unh_iscsi-1.5-01.i386.rpm or if you just want a sandbox make clean ; make - WARNING !!! - For 2.6.0 users. If you haven't already done so , You WILL NEED THE MODULE TOOL SET (insmod, depmod, rmmod, etc ) version .0.9.12 or higher installed to use this package. The module-init-tools kit is available from: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/rusty/modules/